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Illinois Civil Service Commission

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About CSC

The Springfield office of the Civil Service Commission is located at: 607 East Adams Street, Suite 801, Springfield, IL 62701. Our Telephone number 217-782-7373 and Fax number 217-524-3706.

The Civil Service Commission is a 5-member body established by the Personnel Code. It is an integral part of the State of Illinois system of personnel administration based on merit principles and scientific method. Its specific duties and powers are set forth in Section 10 of the Personnel Code. ( 20 ILCS 415/10). Generally, the Commission hears and determines employee appeals of discharges, suspensions, transfers, allocations, layoffs and demotions. It also approves exemptions from Jurisdiction B of the Personnel Code for those positions which, in the judgment of the Commission, involve either principal administrative responsibility for the determination of policy or the way in which policies are implemented. The Commission also approves or disapproves proposed additions or amendments to the Personnel Rules or position classification plan. The Commission has the authority to direct compliance in writing with the requirements of the Personnel Code or Rules when a violation is found.

The Commission meets once a month, typically on the third Friday in its Springfield office in person and by Webex, unless otherwise scheduled. Commission meetings are open to the public.

20 ILCS 415/10

(20 ILCS 415/10)(from Ch. 127, par. 63b110)

    Sec. 10. Duties and powers of the Commission. The Civil Service Commission shall have duties and powers as follows:

  1. Upon written recommendations by the Director of the Department of Central Management Services to exempt from jurisdiction B of this Act positions which, in the judgment of the Commission, involve either principal administrative responsibility for the determination of policy or principal administrative responsibility for the way in which policies are carried out. This authority may not be exercised, however, with respect to the position of Assistant Director of Public Aid in the Department of Public Aid.
  2. To require such special reports from the Director as it may consider desirable. 
  3. To disapprove original rules or any part thereof within 90 days and any amendment thereof within 30 days after the submission of such rules to the Civil Service Commission by the Director, and to disapprove any amendments thereto in the same manner.